Press Release Summary = "How to Use Elance to Outsource Tasks"
Press Release Body = Highland, Michigan -- So a speaker and internet marketer decided that they want to turn their audio content into written form. They want to repurpose it into articles and an eBook. Did you know that they can outsource this task to freelancers? A great place to find freelancers is at
But won't people be mad that the written content is exactly like the audio content? No. In fact, people like having both media forms. Some people are visual and like the written content. Some people are auditory and like the CD.
Make sure that when they are getting the stuff transcribed that in the project description that they write "This is a simple and easy task for anybody that knows what they are doing." Also specify that they want the format of the file to come back in editable programs such as word or text files. Also make sure that the freelancer's first language is what they want the audio to be transcribed into.
Wait, what do they mean project description? Project description refers to the project they post on
What is exactly? It is a bunch of Freelancers that need jobs. They sign up for free on Elance. They can post a project. Project example
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Contact Details = 1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D Atlanta, GA 30097 Phone: 770-271-1536